
Archief 2012 juli -september - oktober - november

4 juli 2012

We had a great hot summerSWANnight.
We listened to :  GetFx- Roger Hammond, Jara Snippe, Francesco Ljubica, Max Meser, Annette Vogel, SoulFoud Music, Fineyard and Del Prado & Mr. John...

5 September 2012

Michiel Kruger & Amber

Woensdag 5 september 2012
Het werd rond 20.30 uur alweer schemerig in het Noorderpark en de artiesten stroomden toe...
We begonnen de avond met singersongwriter Michiel Kruger waarbij Amber haar prachtige stem liet klinken in de Noorderparkkamer in Amsterdam-Noord. Michiel en Amber lieten drie liedjes horen en Michiel speelde later op de avond nog andere mooie songs.
Lukas Blom & Vincent

Lukas gaf aan deze keer niet als SoulFoud ( met zangeres Yaelle) op te treden; vanavond nam hij andere muzikanten mee. Dat klonk goed ! Ze hebben beloofd de volgende keer nog meer van zich te laten horen.....
Lukas, Vincent en Milan

Annette Vogel (c'est moi:)) en Mick Bekker lieten ook dit keer van zich horen. We hebben lekker gespeeld, al verloor ik meteen al m'n plectrum in de plankkast van m'n gitaar...
Annette Vogel & Mick

Bruno Edsme
Bruno  verzorgde vanavond het geluid.Hij heeft beloofd volgende keer ook weer één van zijn liedjes ten gehore te brengen ! 

Daniëlle Cornelissen (Danalyze) was ook weer van de partij en zong haar sfeervolle liedjes.

Del Prado & Mr. John
De heren Alexander en Jonathan van Del Prado & Mr. John zijn regelmatige welkome gasten bij SWAN in de Noorderparkkamer. We genieten altijd van ze ! 

Ook Max Meser was er weer bij met zijn enthousiaste medemuzikanten Rob en Kjell. Dit trio zet elke keer weer de tent op stelten ! 
Kjell, Rob, Max

Tot slot speelden de aanwezige muzikanten nog een aantal songs met elkaar 

Kjell, Michiel 


Vincent Hoftijzer

De verrassende slotact lag deze avond in handen van Vincent ! 

Aan alle singersongwriters, muzikanten en het fijne publiek onze hartelijke dank voor de geweldige SWANavond !!!

3 oktober 2012

On Wednesday, October 3, we had a great night with several  musicians with all kind of musicstyles. It was dark outside but nice and warm inside the Noorderparkkamer. There were candle lights shining... and people drank their coffee, thea, wine and beer and listened to the music of the great musicians ...

We started with this special guest: Otto Cepella. He comes from Canada and is an instrumental songwriter.

His music sounded great and we hope he'll come back soon to play at SWAN. Then the next special guest was Sadhya van Os. She's a lady who travelled a lot and she took this instrument from India to the Noorderparkkamer. It doesn't have quartertones, but still she sounded really like an Indian musician.

Sadhya created a special atmosphere with her music.

This is Dzuana Bakker. Bruno and I were very happy she came all the way to the Noorderparkkamer to play her songs. She has this very special voice and we really enjoyed listening to her.

The EXILE guys brought their whole band and they played three coversongs in their own style. They just got a new singer and everybody wanted them to play more. "You said we only could play three songs", Ricardo said to me, and yes,unfortunately  he was right...

EXILE with Ricardo, Sjors, Jordi Eren en Jelle

Lonneke van Kruisbergen is een echte NoordAmsterdamse ! Ze woont vlakbij maar was toch nog in staat te verdwalen in het park....gelukkig zag ze in de verte de lichtjes branden en wist ze de Noorderparkkamer toch nog te vinden. Lonneke zingt Nederlands talig en schrijft liedjes over haar buren en de pont ! Oeps, I forgot I did this blog in English..


Natuurlijk was Bruno ook weer van de partij. Niet alleen als geluidsman maar ook als muzikant. Bruno brengt ons altijd een lach ! 
Ik was ontzettend blij dat Frank Gijsbers op het allerlaatste moment mij belde dat hij, ondanks zijn spit ( and yes thát HURTS ), toch van de partij wilde zijn om mij te ondersteunen met zijn gedreven basspel. 

Ron Goudi plugged in and gave us an amazing concert. "Is this guy crazy or is he brilliant", somebody asked me, when he just started to play four measures. Well let me tell you this: he is brilliant ! And he plays rock !Ron Goudi

De Finale was dit keer voor René. Hij noemt zichzelf
De As en zingt Nederlandstalig op zo'n emotioneel eerlijke manier dat je meer van hem wilt  horen ! Over een maand of drie kom ik weer, beloofde hij.

The Red Eyed Musicians of Wednesday 7th of November

There's a wooden house in the dark of the Noorderpark in Amsterdam-Noord. And it's called The Noorderparkkamer. 

Now I have to be honest about last night: it was nice and cosey inside, the music was playing... and we were a little stressed because we missed some cables...but finally everything was allright.  
This place in the middle of nowhere is the most beautiful and spiritual place to be and to listen to the singersongwriters who come from all over the world:  Bussum, Belgium, Los Angeles and... Amsterdam - Noord (! ) so we still had a great time together ! 

This night I brought Mick with me on the bassguitar, and our friend Frank Fanille came along with us. Ofcourse Marjolijn of the NPK was there to help and the unforgettable Bruno Edsme, who, despite his flew, made everybody happy with the sound of the music. This time I didn't forget to make a picture of Ellen, the charming woman behind the bar.

Annette & Mick
Marjolijn (rechts) en Jos

I opened the SWANnight with three of my songs:  A Cigarette, Schizophrenia and Who I really Am and then I invited Froukje to play her songs. This beautiful woman is from Amsterdam-Noord and she sang a really nice song about this part of the city. 

In the meantime The Monotrol Kid had arrived, he came all the way from Belgium. I have listened to him before but this time he really impressed me with his songs. He was in a really good shape and also thanks to Bruno, his sound was great. He played eight original songs and we were happy to have him here.
The Monotrol Kid

 Now he must admit, the Kid had a great gig and I was happy to see him satisfied before he drove all the way back to Belgium.
In the meantime Barbara and Carlos from the Ruigoord Rebels were having  a good time while they were waiting for their turn to play :)

Next singersongwriter is called Glenn Haze, he's from L.A. and not only a songwriter but also a good bassplayer and a soundmixer. You can look up his link on the other page.

SWAN had invited the Ruigoord Rebels to come over and play. I heard them before and I thought they sounded great and I was very happy they came over to play some original songs. Most of time they play covers but their original songs sound even better !
We all looked forward to hear Ron Goudie playing again his songs. He's got this special voice and guitarsound from is VOXbox. This time Carlos  (Ruigoord Rebels) played with him together on the drums. 
Ron Goudie and Carlos
They have been listening all night to the musicians and finally it was their turn: Almost Blue
They used to call themselves Soulfoud but they changed their name into Almost Blue since Lukas and Yael play together with a drummer and bassplayer. They played their own songs and everybody enjoyed their music. 

Thank you all for this great SWANnight and hope to see you next time ( somewhere in December) !!

Special thanks to the great audience ! 

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