Open mic - Amsterdam North (SWAN)

SWAN stands for Singersong Writers Amsterdam North.

SWAN is an initiative of two musicians: Annette Vogel and Bruno Edsme.

In the north of Amsterdam, there was long time no stage for singer songwriters. SWAN, a 'daughter' of the Amsterdam Songwriters Guild, found a wonderful stage in 2012: the Noorderparkkamer. 
At this unique location we had ​​monthly open mic’s  on the first Friday.In 2024 Expocafé Zamen  also had to close the doors so we moved for a while to Buuf & Buur.
In 2025 we will have our monthly open mics at De Verbroederij, every 3r Thursday of the month (8PM - 10PM) 

SWAN (SingersongWriter Amsterdam North)

The SWANnights are not only meant for musicians. Everybody is welcome to come and listen and have a great night!
People who voluntary helped SWAN were Frits, Harrie, Baltazar, Aad.

After a few years SWAN moved to Expocafé Zamen because the Noorderparkkamer ended to exist.
Mario became the engineer. 

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