maandag 30 september 2013

SWAN-night Vrijdag 4 oktober 20.00 uur

SWAN-night - Vrijdag 4 oktober 2013  /Friday October 4 th

Woke up after a short sleep. Yesterday evening was very lovely. SWAN, Amsterdam-Noord. Singersongwriters evening, every first Friday of the month now. So, good people, no excuse anymore that you have to work early the next day. Unless you have to of course. The evenings are really nice. In a great environment. A small wooden building in an Amsterdam park. About 8-10 singersongwriters per evening. Differing in style, language, age, sex. Solo artists, duos, bands. People from Amsterdam, other Dutch cities, people on a world tour, passing by, playing whereever they can on the planet. A great way to meet with other musicians, or to meet with musicians if you arent' one yourself. You can meet them, listen to them, talk to them. How nice. And maybe they will be big stars one day, and then you will be able to say you saw them at SWAN! I would recommend the evenings, first Friday of the month, put it in your agendas. There are worse ways to spend a Friday evening!
Harry Siers

1.Magali Michaut
 2. Jeremy Quentin
 3.  Ged Fx
 4.  Aad Luymes and band Tre!ik
5. Han van't Land
 6. Harry Siers
7. Ron Goudie
8. John Kostermans


Harry als horecamedewerker

Ron Goudie

Jeremy Quentin

Ged Fx


Spix Macaw 

Han van't Land

Harry Siers

Ron Goudie
Rachel, Gerson,Nandus

Baltazar als geluidsman

Annette Vogel

Met dank aan de NOorderparkkamer om de ruimte ter beschikking te stellen aan SongWritersAmsterdamNoord. De volgende SWAnavond zal plaatsvinden op 1 november 2013 ! Aanmeldingen:

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